Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shinjuku, day and night

Outside of Shinjuku station

Another cold day -____-. Just to let you all know, these pictures will have the same items of clothing as I am trying to use every possible item to keep myself warm here. Its still a surprising feeling to be cold after experiencing summer for 6 months straight.

We covered a good amount of Shinjuku today and had a surprising reconnection with Lara's friend from college. We spent the majority of the day with Lara's friend, Aaron who has been in Japan for about 2 and a half weeks already. He showed us around quite a bit and some of the places were familiar since I stayed in this district during my summer trip. It still is quite a city to me. I feel like I could never get tired of the myriad of alleyways and the unique individuals that populate this city.

Pictures from our day:

We went to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building to see the view of Tokyo.
Tokyo is so vast, I could not believe how huge it is! Everything looked like toys, it's incredible.
This is a photo taken from the 45th floor (free entrance!)

Shinjuku is known to be the "Hollywood", or entertainment, gay friendly and simultaneously sleezy district. I saw evidence of 2 of the 3. =)
Shinjuku is great!

We also went out for a drink with Aaron to two bar's he's frequented before.

Lara and Aaron. Aaron has a great hearty laugh... I loved hearing it! Great drink choice, btw. I'll keep and eye out for Ms. Saigons.

The last bar we went to had some interesting decor for the night. Tehe.

Tomorrow we're off to Kyoto on the Bullet train, the Shinkansen which is known to go as fast at 130 mph! Crazy rapid speed. Updates soon!

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