Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tokyo: City of cute everything

Our first official day out!

We prepared our first day out by doing some imperative layering to save our lives from this piercing cold weather. You won't see it in many of the pictures, but I am literally wearing 4 tops and 3 bottoms and unfortunately, yet still unpredictably cold.

I love public transportation! We rode the trains into Shibuya, a brave attempt to delve into the webs of Japan's railway system. I was actually quite surprised in how relatively easy it was to navigate (with the help of some friendly hostel and railway staff, of course). I could get used to this!

From my last visit, I have learned that Tokyo's metropolitan consumer culture is seemingly fast paced, resulting with trends that are often short-lived, however have an impermanence that exists (in terms of material effects). I remember being inquisitive and wondering why everyone wears such random shit together, thinking... how the hell could you pull that off and not feel utterly ridiculous? I suppose it's the uniqueness that Tokyo citizens have from a foreigner's point of view.

We roamed freely, covering 2 districts only today since Shinjuku was a rather far walk from Shibuya and Harajuku. These two districts are known for their shopping among other things. You'll find several "young people" (as the hosts have identified these districts) surveying the streets in their non-conformist fusion of clothing styles.

And god is shit cute here, or what!! People, clothing, trinkets, food, signs, cars and many other things I have yet to discover!

Note: pardon all the Hello Kitty pictures, I really liked her as I was growing up. In my opinion, she should be the spokesperson for Tokyo, with her mass marketed trinkets and unnecessarily cute products in all the shops!

I will also take this time to flood this space with Tokyo pictures and random things that I bought:

Hello Kitty electronics! I'd like to have that sewing machine!

The cute little laundromat where I buy my hot milk tea

Aronopeckle (I think...) on the buildings, another cute thing

Takeshita St. where Lara and I bought random things... again

Of course, Harajuku St. Supreme shopping here as well

Duh, cute car!

Cute camera cases... get it, camera cases... haaaaa

Hello Kitty dessert stand

Look! HK filled pancakes. They were actually quite delicious!

Harajuku neighborhood

Found these at a vintage shop in Harajuku

Attempts to remake the Nicolay city lights cover

And now, a series of pictures of the candies I've purchased and sampled!

Green tea Kit Kat, I love you

Strawberry-chocolate flavored Hi-Chu

Orange flavored M&M's

It's hard not to splurge when you're surrounded by such unique and exclusive things. We did a bit of shopping, but managed to keep it under our personal budgets. Here's what I bought:

Brown pleather (haha) backpack, bow ring, HK headphones, that's heard me! and this headband I'm wearing to keep my ears warm

So exciting to get new stuff! I'm glad we're not staying too long here, otherwise I know my self-control will be non-existent come the next days. It's refreshing to be back in these parts!

I feel guilty that I get excited about material things, but I can't help it if things are cute....hehe.

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