Thursday, January 21, 2010

Okonomiyaki Restaurant

Last night, after roaming aimlessly throughout Shinjuku, we found a okonomiyaki restaurant to dine at. For those of you who are not familiar with this dish, it's basically a Japanese pancake/omelet with a variety of ingredients fused together. This restaurant, luckily had an English menu, something dire whenever we go out to eat (or pictures!).

The experience was an interesting one. We were somewhat intimidated upon entering the restaurant to find flat stoves built into their tables. There was also a set of directions placed on the table as well with pictures and in Japanese, but even the pictures didn't translate well with us.

After the waiter came to take our orders, he flipped the switch on our table to heat the stove and came back once heated. He arrived with several ingredients and began cooking for us... or Lara, rather.

After Lara's dish was done, he arrived with both mine's and Aaron's. Unlike Lara who had the luxury of having someone cook for her, we were responsible for our own. I had no problem with that though, I'm developing to enjoy the idea of cooking!

The raw ingredients

Then, it was time to cook!

They also had these tiny hour glasses for us to use to keep 4 minutes time, indicating when to flip over our okonomiyakis. Snazzy!

Flipping time for us!

And voilĂ ! My okonomiyaki.

They offered a selection of trimmings as well. I have no idea what is on my plate, but from what I think I added is a sugared oyster sauce, fish skin and ground seaweed. Deeee-lish!I want to try to make this when I get home (among the other dishes I'd like to attempt to cook!)

That hit the spot.

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