Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh god, I'm getting old; I'm an Auntie

These are my nieces Alyssa & Francheska. They're the daughters of my Auntie Lala's daughter (my cousin, Roella.. or Owie, as I call her). They're the dynamic duo, bright and beautiful girls and have an incredible sense of self-control (for the most part). They both have their own individual talents, Alyssa growing interested in singing and dancing and Francheska into scholarly academics.

These two have grown at a rapid speed, I'm wondering what is it that was fed to them because they're as tall as me now and only at the tender ages of 12 and 13. I could hardly recognize them when I first saw them this time around. What a difference 3 years makes!

This is little Miggie (or Vince Miguel, you know.. the double first name-Filipino-type deal). He's also grown so much! From the last time I'd seen him, he couldn't even speak and now he's philosophizing about who knows what. He also loves chess! And actually taught me how to play the other day. =P

The siblings

I've basically been hanging out with these 3 over the past few days and have been loving it! Kids are so lively these days, I'm thankful that I have enough energy to give to them. I can tell they're excited to see me because they have so much to say or ask about where I've been and what I've been doing, my favorite this or that and if I know the latest celebrity gossip.

Dude, I'm getting old.

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