Saturday, January 2, 2010

My ode to 2009

Morning reminders

It has taken approximately 3 days for me to realize that this is 2010, the beginning of a new decade and the passing of a memorable 2009 for me. Oddly enough, it didn't take flashy fireworks, silver and gold sequined dresses or "Happy New Year" paraphernalia to make me realize this.

Last night, while Lara and I were pillow talking (for hella long!) we reminisced about high school days, recovering heart aches, setting, strategizing and achieving goals, and other unnecessary, but entertaining gossip, it suddenly struck me. Life is moving forward, enabling me to resurface all the beautiful memories from the past year. And after reading her blog, it hit me a little harder, which in turn is leading to this very post you are all reading.

This year, I will be 24, 6 years since I've graduated high school and 2 years since I've finished my undergraduate degree. This year is also the first year in which I do not have any solidified plans in terms of where this year will take me. I've taken that concept and reacted to it in both it's polar ends of imminent fear and sheer happiness. If I had to choose between the two, I'd choose the latter for obvious reasons, less stress and expectations. I'd rather start the year off right and allow myself to drink cups that are half full. Life is moving at an incredible speed and it will never stop for anyone.

I know that.
& it's really okay.

As of recently, I have applied to graduate schools throughout California, in hopes to take care of 2 years of this ambiguous life I've been living. Besides that, everything is unclaimed spaces on my agenda. Possible internships? New Job? Ameri-Corps? More trips? Who knows? I'm excited!

2009 has been an incredible year. I'm going to recap what I've done this year in hopes to regain my appreciation for all the experiences I've been blessed to have.
  • I drove on 880 and 101 for several weekends back to back
  • I worked at a solar energy company
  • Re-discovered the beauty in my old hobby, photography
  • Purchased a DSLR, 3 lenses and a laptop all with my money
  • I learned how to ride a bike
  • I joined a gym membership
  • I ended a gym membership
  • I ran ING's Bay to Breakers with my best friends Emerald & Anna
  • I've experienced heart break
  • I've outlet my emotions irresponsibly
  • I've experienced Hippie Hill in SF
  • Planned a successful camping trip, tailgate and SF Giant's game
  • Admired Bryan graduate
  • I've met new people who've helped me learn about myself tremendously
  • Spent my birthday in Thailand with Isara
  • Volunteered and taught English in Thailand
  • Found spirituality
  • Learned that I am brave
  • Learning to tighten family relationships
  • Been punished by SJPD in a parking lot garage
  • Volunteered with SV FACES by being a camp counselor and the IRC by teaching English to incoming refugees
  • Interned at BillShrink, Inc. in Redwood City as a Marketing intern
  • Left the country twice to Japan in the summer and Thailand in September
  • I've met inspirational people from all over the globe
  • Heard over 10 languages
  • Saved enough money to foster this 5 month trip
  • Wrote poetry, created art, and wailed kareoke songs
  • Drove to So-Cal
  • Visited Lara in Irvine
  • Flew to So-Cal & drove back the same day with Lara while she was living there
  • Screamed into the ocean, on a mountain and into my pillow several times
  • Made meaningful mix cd's for people
  • Made my way back to Australia to visit old friends and family in Sydney
  • (to echo) Blessed enough to be able to travel to Thailand, Laos, Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and Hawaii from September until March
  • Crafted more home-made than store-bought gifts
  • Took charge of my personal health
  • Went hiking almost twice a month
  • Harvested rice in Asia
  • Laughed and played with the kids at Isara
  • Created meaningful relationships with altruistic people (Kirk & Ming... that's you!)
  • I reminded myself to be thankful for every moment of this experience
I feel like I could add a substantial amount to this list if I spent more time in making it. And although sometimes labels are irrelevant, I am thankful that more are positive than negative. It has been a long year of planning and making room for change. I'm very thankful that I'm able to see them materialize before my eyes because there really was a lot of pain and challenge that it came along with. I've learned a lot about myself this year and I hope to continue this for as long as I can.

This was posted on a map amongst other post-its on other
countries and intentions above my bed to help me stay motivated

And so, this is my ode to 2009. The ride was long and at times unbearable but it has led me to where my little feet are today. I must always remember that it's not about the destination but the adventure of the ride.

2010 looks like it'll be an interesting one. =)

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