Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blogger is revamped!

I can't believe I've gone this long without writing. Something that I've always told myself to do whenever I begin to feel restless or idle is to write. Write about anything and everything. At times, these thoughts lay buried under the thick layer of anxiety from everyday life, breaking threshold, and struggling to resurfacing to my journal or this nifty free webspace. My thoughts have been scattered all over planes of electronic hosts, but I feel like I always seem to return to Blogspot. Today must have been the day the universe spoke to me, re-centering myself and steering me back to this blog that I've left neglected for so long during a random morning scanning of my dashboard on Tumblr. And what do you know, blogger is re-vamped, too!

I've come back to writing in this blog for a few reasons:
  1. I didn't quite reflect on my trip as thoroughly as I'd like to
  2. I'd like to update a few of my overseas pals and extended readers (if any, anymore?) the goings-on of my life as well as allowing this blog to serve my memory proper documentation and my lingering sanity the well needed venting-space it deserves
  3. I just miss writing in general and I don't like writing in the tumblr's Text field for some neurotic reason.
  4. I support all mediums of expression.

Time has definitely moved at incredible speed. I can't believe it's already summer. Lara and I had lunch yesterday and we've come to the agreement (time and time again) that our time overseas was sadly, too short. We miss the kids from Isara, Kirk & Ming, the strangers turned to friends we reminisce amount every time we see one another and just the overall experience of vagabonding. I sometimes find myself melancholic about this, but I try to remind myself that I can no longer live in the past, wishing that I had stayed longer or done more because I truly (...again, trying to remind myself) believe that it was time well spent and just enough to help us grow and keep humble. If anything, I should be thankful instead of sad about these events because it was definitely an experience of a lifetime.

Where am I today? These days, you can either find me working to save up for graduate school (Yes! I got in!), which I will be attending in the fall. Although I've fallen back into the patterns of a 9-5 job in corporate, I still see the light in this grind-time. You know, planting the seeds to reap your ideals of wealth (that's not the exact euphemism, but you get what I mean...). It has always been important to me to develop a sense of independence and strength through supporting myself financially as I've learned from the womyn before me and so by really working towards this masters, I really want to be able to give more significance to it than ever, both academically and financially.

Aside from working, I've been practicing yoga and training for a half marathon (13.1 mi.) taking place in the fall-- September 5th, to be exact! I'm definitely not that fast if you're thinking I'm some 5"2 road runner. In fact, I hold only about a 13-minute/ per mile speed. I'm doing this as a personal goal of mine to test my discipline and who knows, maybe next year might be a marathon! Over the past two years, my health has become tremendously important to me. I don't know at what point over those two years has triggered this, but I just simply choose to take care of myself more mindfully.

In a variation of other news, I think growth is a perfect topic to shed light on in this summary of my life. I sometimes have a difficult time expressing this to friends since we both are at different speeds of growth in our own personal lives so I never really leave these conversations completely satisfied. Then, the sometimes neurotic over-analyst and zen in me reminds me that I should rely on other people to make me think or feel a specific way. It's all semantics, I know.

Anyway, my thoughts are escaping; more updates to come!

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